Quality Certification

Quality Certification

In Future Solutions, we support our customers to achieve quality standards for industrial, commercial and service facilities through the implementation of a package of global quality systems, which helps facilities to achieve:

  • Increasing the demand rate increases the company’s profits: The international ISO standards indicate that the application of the ISO quality standard by a company increases the demand for the company’s services by 30%, as the customers’ confidence in the company’s trademark and quality will be increased.
  • Increase productivity within the company: through the implementation of the reducing waste and cost policy, which is an advantages of the application of the ISO Quality System.
  • Efficiency Levitation: Implementing the ISO Quality System increases the efficiency of the company management work and increases the productivity of the company’s employees as well.
  • Increasing and improving the production quality: The implementation of the ISO Quality System within the company increases the company’s productivity by more than 20%.
  • Raising Competitive Advantage: The ISO Quality System raises the competitive advantage of the company, which increases the company’s customers and profits.
  • Raising Awareness: The implementation of the ISO Quality System raise awareness of the quality importance among employees within the company.
  • International Recognition: The implementation of ISO Quality System ensures the international recognition of the company’s trademark.


Quality certificates offered to facilities by Future Solutions :

  • ISO 9001: 2015: The most common quality standards, and relate to the quality system within the company.
  • ISO 14001: 2015: Relate to the Environmental Management System within the institution, and helps improve the ecosystem within the company and improve the company’s efficiency and work.
  • OHSAS 18001: Relates to the occupational health and safety management system within the institution. This standard is globally recognized British standard.
  • ISO 22000: Relate to the food safety management system and its associated analysis, risks and control points within the institution. These standards comply with the Global Food Safety Standards and are worldwide recognized.
  • ISO 22301: 2019: Relate to the business continuity management system and the related planning, maintenance, implementation and control as well as how to respond rabidly in emergencies that may occur within the institution.
  • ISO 27001: Relate to the management of information security and protection and the related design, controls, auditing and follow-up.
  • ISO 31000: 2018: Relate to the risk management system and rapid response to reduce these risks and the related strategies, processes, products, services and assets.